Wednesday 21 December 2011

Hey, What's Up With Those Kooky North Koreans?
Although condolences are in order as their ruler, Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il died this week, you really have to wonder what is next for this isolated, communist nation.

They have just lost one, very eccentric leader.

One, who with a fondness for bouffant hairdos, Charlie's Angel sunglasses and jump suits, looked to never get beyond the 70's.

[Ed. note: You should talk.]

Anyway, just when you think things couldn't get any worse, it looks like they are moving to another potentially, equally eccentric leader, in his son, Kim Jong-un.

Although, here he is seen cracking a joke as he greets the North Korean generals.

So perhaps there is hope things will be loosening up.

However, if you find there are no more posts on this blog, I could be wrong...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean his son, Kim Jong "not so Il"... :-)
