Saturday 17 March 2012

Go Get Him, Brother!

Finally, after watching many, many of these delivery truck clowns blocking traffic [Click "It Wouldn't Be A Delivery Truck..." for a previous musing] a cop sidled up to this UPS guy.

When he turned back to look ("What are you doing here?"), he quickly shut the rear door and scampered off.

But no sooner had he and the cop left, than a Canpar truck slid into the exact same spot (I still had the camera is the "snap" position.)

He'd probably been double parked on Bloor waiting or that guy to leave that really great spot.

And then, like locusts, I look across the street and there's another one.

Panning down the street....

Two more!

And in between them all is a window washing truck, parked in an active lane.

And the guys were just washing the store windows. La de dah....

Now the City of Toronto has just increased parking fines from $60 to $150.

That's enough so the Average Joe will think twice before heading into Timmy's.

But these guys will just pass the increased cost Average Joe.

As usual, Joe gets it from both sides......

1 comment:

Krys and Paul said...

Ah, the joys of JIT inventory and mail order everything!