Wednesday 19 June 2013

Here We Grow Again.....

Was out and about on a heritage walk around Toronto yesterday.

In specific, through leafy Rosedale.

Looks like this stately mansion is going to be getting a new neighbour, in front there.

Could it be something like this turn-of-the-last-century beauty, just around the corner?

 Maybe something in this Queen Anne style across the street?

 Or like this, with the impressive Mansard roof?

Or this?

Lots to choose from.


Wow, this looks to be a bit larger than the rest of the buildings in the neighbourhood.

There's a depiction of it on that orange sign on the left.


No one will even notice.....



Becky Jones said...

Really???? They are putting that BOX in that neighbourhood? Ah........

Krys and Paul said...

Becky - I think you meant aarrgghhh!