Wednesday 26 June 2013

Oh Yeah.....

Pride Week is coming up soon.

I saw the Trans March last year.  It is on the Friday night. Very....uhhh....interesting.

And on Saturday is the Dyke Hike.   Here is a reminder of one of the times I watched it;  Reminder

So maybe this is Pride Week.

It didn't take me long - on my own hike - to confirm that it is.

And didn't take long to remind me that I was also in the heart of the Gay village.

And looks like everybody is trying to get in on the act.

Even good old corporate TD Canada Trust.

In fairness to them, they have been a long time sponsor - as you can tell if you clicked on the Reminder, above.

Now this could be considered Ground Zero for the...uhhh... festivities; Woody's, Sailor and Flash.

Maybe you go to one after the other.  Maybe you don't go at all.

But lots of patios and lots of fun, for sure.

Fer sure, Sailor.....

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