Saturday 7 June 2014

Names In The News

This is a picture of the Playter Farmhouse, part of Playter Estates in Toronto, built in the mid 1870's.

This is actually the farmhouse that was built in the 1870's.

It is supposedly the same building, but I'm not so sure.

The house above is now called the Playter Mansion and has been ongoing renovations for about as long as some people can remember.

It was written up in the paper the other day, so thought I would discretely check it out.

When I was snapping some pics a lady said, "So you read the article, huh?"

So it may look like a small farmhouse, but in behind, they have expanded it to about four times its original size. (Too big to get in one picture.)

And residents, certainly that lady, are chagrined.

Most homes in the neighbourhood are very stately.

But more modest.

So to give you an idea of scale and where this is, here is a shot, circa 1950.

(Is that the same ghost from the previous post?)

And today.  Well, yesterday.

And a bit further back, here is it in 1912.

And where is it?

If anybody is still reading, Broadview and Danforth.  It's at the end of the street there.

For those not in the know about Toronto, that's right in the heart of Greektown.

In a hundred years, things have certainly changed down on the farm.


Anonymous said...

Nice area - and that building has certainly been undergoing renovations for years! Drop by a little further south and see some another classic house, on Dingwall between Pape and Carlaw on the N. side.;jsessionid=qcOTvOIF92XPFW-V6UItdA__?Ntt=Bain%2c+Neil+Kennedy--Homes+and+haunts--Ontario--Toronto&Ntk=Subject_Search_Interface&view=grid&Erp=20

Ian and Brenda

Urban Cowboy said...

Hey? Isn't that where you guys live?