Saturday 13 September 2014

Maybe There Is Something To It

It happens all the time to me.  Somebody will come up to me and say, "Did anyone tell you that you look like...."

"I know.....Tom Cruise."

"Uhhhhh. no.  One of the guys from Men In Black."


So three guesses who it is and the first two don't count.

Hmmm.....maybe they got something there?

But the freakin' guy on the left has more hair that that other, sad dude.

But the more important question is; how can I parlay this into chicks, booze and good times....?


Rob Greenfield said...

get better shades

FINS UP2 said...

... Your right! You look like Will Smith but with a lighter tan.

Jenn said...

That's so funny!