Sunday 29 March 2015

While We Were Gone......

....others were busy ham, ham, hammering.

This is a pic of the site of that little bungalow that got the rude knock-knock a while back.

Now the lot doesn't look that big - at least the part the house was on.

But these are huge lots, as here's an earlier picture of the cleared lot. 

The house was only on one tiny corner of it, what a waste of space!

Here you can see the start of the little "infill" that's replacing Bo-Bo.

Here's an angle from around the corner.

Now that's better.  Not an inch wasted!

Now this little guy on the left should not be getting too smug, let me tell you.......


Rob Greenfield said...

Just wait till next October, there will probably be lots more small to huge changes

Gord Tripe said...

Progress. Think of the property value increases. Might help.