Saturday 6 January 2018

Gotta Love Old People

So a senior's condo down in Florida decided to get "with it" and create a website.

For events, articles, photos, etc.

But, as one of them knowingly told me, "Because we have photos - and this isn't our first rodeo - we've decided to have a password."

So to get the word around an email was sent.

Well, not so fast........

A nice notice with all the information was posted on the Bulletin Board.

Including the password.

At least it wasn't....password.

Hey!  It's not their first rodeo.......


Rob Greenfield said...

gotta love it

Gordon Tripe said...

Must have been an interesting discussion at the board meeting. A website? For events, articles, etc.? I believe the Dollar Store sells bulletin boards.

Urban Cowboy said...

That would have saved some money as we just installed two "heavy duty" bulletin boards, as they get as pretty good work out; Book Club, Movie Madness Night, "Knit & Stitch" ("And that's not all we do!"), Bocce, Singing Club, I'm exhausted......