Thursday 26 March 2020

Some Perspective

It is still early in Canada's fight against this invisible foe, but let's look at data from around the world.

For comparison purposes, I'll look at it on a per Capita basis;  cases per 100,000 of population.

The world average is 5;  415,000 cases worldwide on a population of 7.8 billion souls.

Canada's average is also 5.   [Again, click any graph to zoom in.]

But sweet mother, poor Spain and Italy.

And Switzerland?  What's up with that. Apparently, there had been unknown cases at a ski chalet and the country was very slow to pick up on this.  And when people went home - and not just home in Switzerland - they took it with them.

Of course, for the world average to be 5, there has to be many, many, many countries less than this.  So far, at least.....

If we drill down into Canada.....

Ontario don't look half far....

So here are today's stats.

And, as predicted, our friends in Quebec did it to us this time.

Those ~800 "Probable" Quebec cases shown in yesterday's post have, now come home to roost - they all reflected in today's "Confirmed" numbers.

So...updating the above provincial numbers with the Quebec additions.....

...puts Quebec at the top of the heap for number of cases.  And doubles Canada's per captia rate.

As widespread testing continues to increase, I suspect we will see these numbers continue to increase as well, before we can even hope for a turnaround.....


Rob Greenfield said...

good reporting Jimmy Olson

Urban Cowboy said...

Ha ha. If I can't be Jimmy Naples, Jimmy Olsen is not bad.

Patricia said...

I believe Switzerland is doing the 'herd immunity' thing.

Patricia said...

What is Herd Immunity?

Patricia said...

And Dr. Fauci today... news was not good today. :(