Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Too Smug....?

Number of cases of COVID-19 exploded [Ed. Note: Who are you - the Toronto Star?] in Canada yesterday.

[As always, click the graphs to zoom in.]

And more unfortunately, deaths even more so.

One rural Ontario retirement home had nine residents die.

And of the 65 residents, 35 are infected and more than a third of the home's staff, 24, tested positive, with 10 more results pending.  Heartbreaking.

Update: three more seniors died this morning.

So....Too Smug?
I have been wagging my finger at some provinces with high infection rates.  Don't they get it?  Don't they get how serious this is?

It's the usual "bad actors": Quebec, BC, Alberta.

However, in my defense, I had also been saying Ontario's numbers might be somewhat low, as it was trying to clear a backlog of un-analyzed tests.  And Ontario also has had a low testing rate. Could those be contributing to Ontario's perceived low infection rate.

Well, that is the biggest understatement made!  Here is a graph of testing rates per million population;

Ontario sits dead last!  Disgraceful.

No idea we were that low!

And some of the perceived biggest offenders are the largest testers (Quebec, BC & Alberta).

So maybe these bad actors do get it.  They are taking it seriously.

Well past time for Ontari-ari-ari-io to get with it as well.

If they do, get ready to see a big move up the infected leaderboard.

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