Tuesday 16 March 2021

Public Service Announcement

There are going to be a lot of people who will soon be looking to really bust out.  Or at least bust out of their clothes. 

So as a public service announcement - actually most posts on this blog are public service announcements, except maybe the ones about Florida Man - here are two books that will help you shed those unsightly "Covid pounds".

The first one is "Younger Next Year".  

Written by a doctor and a lawyer.

The doctor makes all kinds of outrageous claims and the lawyer makes sure he doesn't get sued.

No, that's not it.

The lawyer provides anecdotal examples of how he follows their recommendations, and the doctor comes in and explains the physiological reasoning behind their recommendations. 

Not surprisingly it comes down to exercise and diet. But presented in a very compelling manner. 

The doctor explains that primordial man was constantly moving. walking for weeks in search of prey. Then running to catch prey, or to avoid being caught by prey.  Either way, primordial man was never sedentary.

If you were, to your brain, it meant you were dying.  Or starving, after which you would soon be dying.

Man was not meant to be sitting for eight hours a day at a desk and sitting for another eight hours watching TV. 

So to trigger that primordial brain, the recommendation is to stay active as much as possible.  It may not reverse the aging process, but could certainly slow it down.

The second book is, and there's no sugar coating this;

And the answer is "Because you eat too much!"

No, that not it. It is not eating too much.  But too much of something.

And it is just one word;


Now this guy could probably use a lawyer.  And a doctor.  He's a journalist, and some of his claims are disputed. But the way he presents his claims.....make sense.

All carbohydrates convert to glucose in the blood.  Even whole grains, and brown rice and whole wheat pasta. And that triggers the dreaded insulin response that stores that glucose in your fat cells. 

I won't go into any more details because that would be an amateur blogger trying to describe a journalist's explanation of a scientific process and I don't want to have to hire the lawyer from the first book.

And if those two books don't help, I don't know what to offer.  Well maybe I do.

[And the Pearls Before Swine insight provided by Stephan Pastis]


northerndreamer said...

I hope you're drinking the low carb beer...right?

Rob Greenfield said...

I like the miracle way

Patricia said...

I actually googled beer and carbs just to make sure... vs. hiring the lawyer. :) And I know the first cartoon was for me. Exactly. :)

Supposedly, ...red wine helps us age better. “It is really good for skin and in fact, prevents ageing of skin. Red wine is packed with antioxidants like flavonoid, resveratrol and tannin which help fight ageing by restoring collagen and elastic fibers”, says Anshul Jaibharat, a Delhi-based nutritionist. It’s true, red wine gives a boost to sagging skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles...

Which can only mean it's good spackle for someone who is finally cracking up under the pressures of the past (not just COVID) year and a half. Cheers... :)