Sunday 21 March 2021

They Can't Help Themselves

Some locations have been shamed into finally loosening up some Covid lockdown restrictions.

But they just...can't...fully...let...go.

Oh Sweet Mother Mary.

Another city in California is now going to allow public pools to re-open - but you can't get wet.

You can't make this stuff up. Well, maybe I made that last one one up.

But the whole thing reminds me of the 1986 Howard Jones hit "No One Is To Blame".

Lyrics from the first verse:

"You can look at the menu, but you just can't eat,

 You can feel the cushion, but you can't have a seat,

 You can dip your foot in the pool, but you can't have a swim,

 You can feel the punishment, but you can't commit the sin."

Boy, if that last line doesn't sum up the last year......

At least we don't have it as bad as some people.....

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