Wednesday 22 September 2021

So Here's The Thing.....

News item: Ontario's vaccine passport system goes into effect today.

To enter gyms, restaurants, bars, mall food courts, etc., you must show your vaccination certificate.


And many people have not got them yet.

So what do you do?  Easy - you go to the Government of Ontario Public Health website and print one off.

So the Urban one decided to try it out.

Oh, what's that?  I'll try it again. Nope, same result.

Turns out, after some sleuthing, the website is down for "regularly scheduled maintenance".

Only the government could do this.

The morning the Vaxport programme goes into effect, the gol darned Vaxport website is down.

If Tim Horton's or Canadian Tire were rolling out a new system, you know for sure that system would have been ready to go, on time.

Do you think someone - just one person - in that Public Health department might have said, maybe we should reschedule that maintenance? Or maybe get it done ahead of time so when the programme goes live we are ready.

So here's the thing....why wouldn't everybody in that Public Health department have thought the same thing?

Why?  It's the government.


Rob Greenfield said...

Hey, the same thing happened to me, BUT on my 2nd try right after the 1st I was able to get mine and download it, there was no message about it being down for maintenance

Patricia said...

I use Docket app - but maybe that's just here. Once I figured out how to get it to eat the info I was feeding it, it collected my vaccination date automatically.