Thursday 30 September 2021

Wait...What? That's Not What I Had In My Will!


Kids will be kids.  "Hey, we're going to Disney World!"

Now some people have impressive mausoleums erected to themselves.

Others something more modest, but still dignified and respectful.

And others, well....not so much.

And in case you're thinking, "Come on UC, this is just temporary", this has been this way for over two months. The tossed flowers are a nice touch.

Now, in the kids' defense, maybe he said something like, "Oh nothing fancy, don't do anything special."

You got it, Pop.

And on a sort of related topic......

[Another Mr. Boffo, from the mind of Joe Martin]


Patricia said...

Is that a joke photo ... or... real? LOL

Urban Cowboy said...

Would I joke around?! No, it's real. I walk through this cemetery everyday.

Urban Cowboy said...

That being said, I don't really believe Dad is buried in that pile of dirt (just blue-skying what it could be) but the picture is definitely real....