Friday 24 June 2022

Nice Work If You Want It...


This beauty was caught just west of Naples, Florida.  Naples!

A 215 pound, 18 foot behemoth of a Burmese Python.

And every year they have a "python hunt".

The winning team gets $2,500.

And usually teams are made up of good ol' Florida boys - and lately, girls.

Just wandering through the swamps and Everglades with a stick.

Holy geez, I don't even like to step off the sidewalk when I'm in Florida.  There's a reason whey there's the expression "a snake in the grass." 

But this year there's a different team out 'a hunting them there things.

So rather than just literally beating the bushes with that stick....

...they's using something called teck noll ogee to track and capture the critters. 

They implanted a few males with tracking devices, and what do males track - females!

But there's some folks who just like to go old school (although I doubt many of them have ever been to school) to track 'em down.

Holy cow.  Look out behind you!

But I think I would like one of them there tracking devices if I ever get forced off the sidewalk.  Maybe wave it around like a Geiger counter.

'allo.  You called?



Rob Greenfield said...

sssscary sssshit

northerndreamer said...

ssssssissssies, both of you

Rob Greenfield said...

ssssays the sssscardy cat of sssspiders

Urban Cowboy said...

Well here is a post from the past that may be just what the Doc ordered.....

Urban Cowboy said...

Be sure to watch the video.....