Sunday 10 September 2023

If At First You Don't Succeed....

A while back I posted about a Florida Man trying to ride a hamster ball to the Bahamas.

Click here for the lurid details.

Well,, heeeee's baaaaack....

Maybe the Bahamas was just a test run.

[And looks like they used an old photo of him from a few years ago.  See below]

However, apparently he was just arrested, about 70 miles off the coast of Georgia by the USCG  The "vessel" was not properly registered.. 

But it took them three days to convince him to get out of the contraption.

He said he had a knife and could kill himself and has a bomb and would blow the hamster ball up.  

So if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.  As he was arrested doing this in 2014. 2016, 2021,

Way to go, Florida Man!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

wow... wow... This is why I prefer the comfort of my own home versus walking among the insane. A bomb would've made for easy clean up ... he's already in a zip lock bag...

I can't even... sigh...