Monday 6 August 2007

Is This Your Busted Glass?

Nice scene walking to work one morning on our main streets here in Calgary. And this is not uncommon.

Front page of today's paper says we've had eight murders downtown in nine days. Drive bys, rapes, stabbings, hit & runs. You name it, we've killed somebody doing it. And the freaky part is a bunch of them have happened within three or four blocks of mia casa.

Where these beer bottles were smashed (photo from earlier this week) on Saturday night we had two cars flying down the street, firing shots at each other. Until one guy bought it and slammed his SUV into five pared cars. DOA. Three blocks away.

A day before that some drug addict chick pushed this kid into the on coming path of one of our commuter trains. DOA. Two blocks away.

So none of this is very funny. Sorry........

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