Friday 18 April 2008


Sweet biscuits, what a mess.

Last weekend +24 Deg C and sunny. Now this - forecast to keep on coming for the next five days.

Everywhere you look, bleh and more bleh.

Actually this is one of the few times my piece of crap camera actually enhances the feel of the shot. Way to go, little buddy.

The old folks will be staying inside this weekend. [Picture of local old folks home.]

Now you might be thinking, why didn't he wait for five days and take a picture then. When it would really look like something.

Well if I did, it would look like palm trees and bikinis, as I'm off down south tomorrow. Tee hee, aren't I a scamp.....

And aren't I sounding like I drink from the other side of the cup? Not that there's anything wrong with that.........

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