Sunday 1 March 2009

Après Dîner

Went to the lacrosse game after "dinner". The first round of beer was $75. But it was worth it.

And So Was This!

Died And Gone To Heaven - Part Deux
Here, one of the fellows graciously points out the objects of the picture.

Now the girl on the right looks like she is thinking, ewwww, how many shots is that creepy guy going to take?

But the irony of this is that I know most of these girls already. Well, know might be a bit strong of a word.

I communicate regularly with them. In their dancer's chat room. I'm Annika!

And these girls are hard working off the ice, too.

They had to sign autographs for hours bent over like this. I might just send this to the Dept of Labour.

And here one of the lads was able to sneak in behind when they weren't looking.

Good work, soldier.


Rob Greenfield said...

OK, is this a preview of our HA soiree in 3 weeks??

Urban Cowboy said...

Let's hope so!