Wednesday 18 March 2009

Hey, Little Buddies

While up in Banff, had some interlopers come by to try and eat the scenery.

And apparently, by their friendliness, they would have eaten the camera out of my hand if I hadn't been so quick [Ed. note: ....or scared? ]

Hey, that baby looked pretty hefty. And right now he's thinking, I wonder if I can eat what he's holding.

They've been known to head butt you in the gut if your snacks aren't up to par. As a guy last year found out by trying to feed them broccoli. They don't like broccoli.

You think there might be more eats on the grass area. But I'm no deer.

Hey! I'm Trying To take A Dump Here

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

Pretty nice "digs" you had on your "vacation." It's nice to see where all our gas money ends up.