Saturday 6 June 2009

Getting It Right

Was in London, Ontario last week.

Even though it's taken a beating, financially, the last few years, they've done a great job of keeping, and celebrating many of their heritage buildings in the downtown core.

A lot better than some cities, that I currently live in.

I stayed at the London Armoury, a restored...well...armoury.

It was cool that my window looked out into what was likely the old mess hall or common area. It's now the pool area, so I guess they didn't retain all the history.

They even converted the old "Gun Shed" into the new dining room.

I'da just blowed it up.

But a lot of excellent brick and limestone buildings have been saved and showcased.

I doubt if the Wright's still do lithographing anymore. But a nice reminder that they once did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any ghosties in the armory? Cool old buildings!
