Wednesday 12 January 2011

Senior Jubilado Es Jubilated

I thought I enjoyed being retired in the summer time.

But I'm loving it just as much right now!

Typed from a WTB on a Wednesday morning.

[WTB = Warm, Toasty Bed]

Got up too late to get a good shot of the real rush hour mush. Sorry.


Krys and Paul said...

Well, we got up at 5 am and drove to our indoor walking track ;-) and walked and drove back in the rush (well, hardly) hour traffic. No accidents at 10 kph but no one getting anywhere fast either!

But I agree - very nice to watch the snowfall when you are in bed or at least sitting comfortably with a coffee and nowhere to be!

Rob Greenfield said...

Soy jubliado un poco, sigo en mi albornoz

northerndreamer said...


I get almost the same pleasure with my four block trek to work each day. It's incredible how much stress you eliminate when not driving during rush hour.

Urban Cowboy said...

Excellent. Everyone has their own way of jubilating...