Saturday 30 June 2012

Oh Yeah, It's Pride Weekend...

On a hot day, what could be better than putting an ice cold....

Never mind.....

These guys - one apparently channeling Freddy Mercury - are jumping the gun a bit as the Pride Parada is not til Sunday.

Practice makes perfect, I guess.

Uhhhh...keep practicing....

Last night, however, was the Trans March or something-or-other.  Kind of hard to tell.

Uhhhh, yeah.  Kinda hard to tell.

And Saturday is the Dyke Hike.   But now they call it - I can't believe they are becoming politically correct - The Dyke March.

Also representing people in the LGBTTIQQ2SA communities.

LGBTTIQQ2SA.  It just rolls off your tongue. Looks like it covers just about everybody.

Hey, how come there's no UC in there anywhere!?

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