Wednesday 24 July 2013

Major League Baseball - Get What You Pay For?

A recent analysis by a crack sabermetrician....ahem.....has shown how major league baseball teams are performing compared to team payrolls.

He has amazingly graphed winning percentage (vertical axis) against team payroll (horizontal axis). [He recommends double clicking the graph to get a better view.]

Conventional wisdom would have you believe that the higher the payroll, the higher the winning percentage.

That would be the yellow swath through the middle of the chart.

Over performers - lower payroll + higher winning percentage are in the upper, left hand, green corner.  And the losers are in the lower right corner.

Now many people think the Toronto Blue Jays are stinking the joint out this year - including me - because they loaded up on alleged talent in the off season and are still under 0.500.

But even though they loaded up on high priced talent, their payroll of $118 M$ is just over the major league average of 103 M$.  They are in the Yellow range, so could be considered performing "As Expected".

Gee, those Blue Jays can't even screw up correctly! 

And for the money spent, even the woeful Marlins and Astros are doing "As Expected".

It's the Yankees and Dodgers that aren't giving good value for the money. it sits right now, they are in the playoffs. 

The Jays should be looking at what the Rays, A's, Indians and Pirates have done.

Meanwhile....Go Argos!

1 comment:

FINS UP2 said...

...Knew it was doomed when some guy named Dickey was getting honorary doctrines from U of T before ever throwing a knuckle ball for the Blue Jays. Now they both look like knuckle heads! Oh well - - I still do remember the good old days.