Friday 4 October 2013

Okay, Last Graphs....

......even I'm getting tired of them.

Countries England Has Not Invaded
No, the countries in white.

There are only 22.

For being seen as generally laid back and jolly good fellows, they were certainly a bunch of busy little beavers over their history.

Size of the Moon - Put In Perspective
It's not that big, huh?

Worldwide Water Risk
Water risk?  What does water risk mean?

Well, this takes into account three components;
  1. Quantity, 
  2. Quality and 
  3. Regulatory Compliance
The lighter the better.

Once again, we're looking pretty good.

Lightning Strikes
Looks like Canada has dodged the bullet once again.

We're over there, on the right.......

And finally, if all this is putting you to sleep, well it shouldn't.....

Coffee Consumption
The darker the better.  At least that's what Tim Horton's would like you to believe.

So us Knuckleheads should be wide awake!

And no wonder Sven and Gunilla are having so much sex.  They can't sleep.  They drink more coffee than we do!  The horror.......

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

hahahaha, I laugh ... ouch, I fall off my chair, laughing.