Sunday 16 February 2014

And Round Two Goes To: Mother Nature!

A while back i posted a picture about an attempt to add more sand to this beach.    [See And The Winner Is....... for a recap.]

And if were we able to add it as fast as Mother Nature was taking it away.

The above pic answers that question, as you can see MaNa carving out a second tranche of sand from the beach.

Here's another look, a bit farther along.

Here's a comparison of the two spots about a month apart.

The difference here is that you can no longer see the red roofed building just in front of the high rise condo.  "I'm sinking, I'm sinking!"

Some of it is the angle, but MaNa has really taken a big bite out of our.......sand.

Oh well, time to buy another one of those tasty $15 Two-Fours.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks a bit like the beach at Lake Ontario! (Well, except for the warm water, sand, etc).