Friday, 10 October 2014

Problem Solved!

A while back I posted a ditty about the new separated bike lanes on Sherbourne St in Toronto.  Raised curbs would separate bikes from vehicles.

A great idea, but opined about how long it would take before delivery vehicles would be jumping the curbs and blocking the bike lanes.

Click That Didn't Take Long for a refresher.

The answer was, of course, almost immediately.

So the city started to enforce no curb jumping.  So was there yesterday, and the problem looks to be solved!

Just park on the sidewalk.

Why didn't I think of that?


Rob Greenfield said...

It doesn't happen in Montreal where there are separated car and bike lanes, but the folks in Montreal have it figured out, not like mamby pamby not-so-bike friendly TO - the curbs or barriers between car lanes and bikes in Montreal are significant, vehicles can't cross over them.

Urban Cowboy said...

They say they are going to put in plastic bollards - to discourage FedEx trucks but allow emergency vehicles to get over.

We'll see......