Sunday 12 July 2015

That Didn't Take Long

Although it took city workers over 16 hours to remove Conrad, the deceased raccoon, the first time, they sure got rid of the tribute to him in a hurry.

Here was the original tribute to him - while he was still waiting to be unceremoniously tossed in a green garbage bag around midnight.

After he was taken away an impromptu memorial sprung up.

A chalk outline and orange cones mark the spot of his demise.

Even local businesses were getting into the act with tributes.

I suggested the city - to do a complete job - would likely tear up the sidewalk to get rid of any reminder of this little guy.

Although they didn't do that, they did try awfully hard to wipe out even a hint of his presence.

But stay tuned.  We'll see if this is enough for Toronto The Good.

Bah, humbug to having fun.


Al Helmer said...

That outline looks a lot like Nanabush!!

Urban Cowboy said...

Ha ha. That guy is everywhere!