Friday 10 July 2009

Arrrrgh, The Devil!

Or this could be entitled "Too Much Technology".

[Ed. note: for reader's with a squeamish disposition, disturbing mental images ahead.]

I wish these freakin' toilets in the airports would just leave me alone.

As we all know, the job's not finished til the paperwork is done, and every time you....uhhhh....lean over to get the job done, the damn thing flushes.

Which leaves my tender tushy all wet and woolly.

I pull out some more paper to towel off and, Whooooshhh! there she goes again.

So I pull out some more paper to towel off and, Whooooshhh! there she goes again.

And again, and again.

So I solved this problem. But from now on, I wouldn't want to be sitting next to me on any plane.

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