Seems everybody is Irish on St. Paddy's Day. Even "Betty's". Temporarily re-christened as "O'Betty's".
They used to the called "The Betty Ford Clinic". Til The Betty Ford Clinic sued them.
So now it's just Betty's. Except on March 17th.

Where the only thing that could possibly be considered "New" is.......well, maybe the Golf Shop on the third floor.
Certainly none of the New Windsor Tavern patrons.

Decisions, decisions.....

Under renovation? Well, I guess they're entitled, at least every 160 years.
I still wouldn't touch anything in that bathroom.
Not as bad as Grossman's, but close.....
I really miss crawling around those places. What's onthe agenda for Sat.?
Have one for me!
Nothing's as bad as Grossman's bathrooms! Of course, they didn't always use the bathroom...
Hmmm...darn technology - that last comment was mine.
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