Is He Getting A Little Too Close?

Okay, Close Enough!

No Urban Cowboy would actually cower from some little bird like this.

Until I came along.
"You Again!"

So we kind of agreed to stay out of each other's hair after that.
But these little fellas have pretty big cajones.
One guy told me that after their first boozy night here, his buddies were rapping on his balcony window about 1am.
Then at ten to seven the next morning, more rapping. He told them to get lost, but the rapping continued. He finally slid open the door, and there stood my buddy, in full feathers.
I guess the person the previous week used to feed him. So now he was looking at the new guy, as if to say "Do you know what time it is? Let's get with the eats!"
So sometimes size really doesn't matter. It's all in the attitude.
...There just chickens with nice hair. You look like a couple of cocks!
I'm sorry, which one in the picture has the big cojones and is strutting his stuff for the ladies? It's hard to tell.
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