Just after the turn of the century - the 19th century - when they were building the Prince Edward Viaduct, the designer, R.C. Harris, had the foresight to add (actually to demand) a lower level to accommodate a not-even-dreamed-about potential subway.
Many, many opposed it, saying "Too expensive. Not needed."
When the subway finally opened mid century, this addition saved millions of dollars in subway construction costs.
[You can see the subway chugging along beneath the upper road surface.]
Today's Toronto politicians are saying the same thing about the Eglinton and Sheppard subway projects. They want to build light rail transit down the centre of these streets.
The lure? They're cheaper and can get more of them for our buck. They claim the current mayor's support of subways is shortsighted and he has no vision of future transit.
Huh? Can you imagine if these councillor's were in power when the original subway decisions were being made? "Too expensive. Foolhardy."
Can you imagine if the subway had been rejected and we still has streetcars running up and down Yonge St today? And all along Bloor?
Subways are expensive - but they are the only way to go.
Thus ends this morning's rant. Back to your cereal......
Ah, good design! You are a hidden coinasseur (sp help...anybody but Rob).
No one can afford subways any more. 'Coinasseur' is a perfect description. I'd call Rob Ford prescient if there were any chance this would happen in his lifetime - or ours. In the meantime, Toronto is collapsing under smog and vehicular traffic and road rage rules the highways. We have the longest commutes in the world. We need something now!
(And thanks for letting me rant away.)
...pass the Fruit Loops, please!
Come and get'em!
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