Monday 18 July 2011

Wasting Away Again.....

It's uncanny how accurate those Jimmy Buffett lyrics are, even after all these years.

Went to see Jimmy in concert Saturday with a couple of friends.

Okay, with 64 friends. All of a similar ilk.

Fantastic day.

Cheeseburger in Paradise party for the 64 in matching Hawaiian shirts in friends' back yard (thanks a bunch B & J), limo ride to the concert, then a couple of hours of grooving to Jimmy tunes meeting people all around us.

And the shirts have an additional advantage over and above just making you look extremely cool.

When one fellow - who will remain nameless - toddled back from the bar with a couple of adult beverages in hand, he apparently had trouble re-locating his group. I thought the group had moved. I mean, he thought the group had moved.

Another concert goer took one look at his shirt, pointed and said "You guys are over there." Perfect!

The only other event occurred when we were at the back of the lawn section and one of the fellows lost his sunglasses. I won't tell you which fellow, but those with even minimal investigative skills will be able to tell.

They fell back over the fencing, so he had to crawl underneath to retrieve them.

Which is when security came by and thought he was trying to sneak in to the concert. But some smooth talking by another of the guys eventually calmed the troubled waters....

This was a "red" security guy. There were also "blue", and as it turned out later, quite a few "yellow" security guys as well.

Now if you've never been to a Jimmy Buffett concert (which is more like an outdoor cocktail party) - and the pre-game festivities leading up to it - you better hurry, because the ugly rumour circulating is that Jimmy may be hanging up his flip flops soon.

Say it ain't so, Jimmy!

Regardless, his music will survive for a long time.

Even if some of the above concert goers don't.....


FINS UP2 said...

AMEN BROTHA!...What a hoot it was! Let's hope for a couple of more years from Jimmy and many more beers.

Rob Greenfield said...

Ah, you guys had a blast! Too cool. Wish I could have been tghere, but 32C on the lake was hard to beat.

Krys and Paul said...

What a party! Looks like a few pirates showed up, too?