Wednesday 23 January 2013

No political statement here.  Just a sobering reminder.....

Here is the link to 31 Days Later if you want a better view.

This graphic shows the number of people killed by guns each day since the Newtown school shooting on December 14th.

Are things out of control?  Are movies too violent?

I think there are two causes at play;  media and social media.

Before a "loner" would have to go to school to get bullied.  Now he can be bullied as he sits brooding in his basement.

By way more people.

And thanks to the media broadcasting every incident of a loner going berserk, rather than just muttering to himself in the basement, he now goes "Hell yeah!  I can do that." 

Well, that wasn't supposed to be political.  And maybe it wasn't really.

Just a sign of the times we live in......


FINS UP2 said...

I agree with your sentiments. From behind a computer screen you can get away with alot more and not get challenged by your peers face to face during weird, dark or disturbing moments in time. Back in the day, you hid your true thoughts or blurted them out and usually were challenged by those who found you offensive by saying "what are you crazy? You need some help, buddy!” Perhaps, that helped some nut jobs get recalibrated when their upper unit malfunctioned. That being said, there was still violent murders committed by nut cases albeit perhaps less of them. As a licensed hunter, fire arm owner and a person who has taken a hunting safety course and has a license to acquire a hunting weapon legally within Canada. Based on this exposure, I feel the responsibility to act safely and reasonably within the laws of our country. In addition, for my safety, my families’ safety and the general public’s safety, I keep my gun double locked and out of sight. No ammunition is stored with it and only I know where it resides. I only know where the keys are located. I do not show my hunting gun to anyone and only access it when I am going hunting. Why do I take such precautions? Because I know guns can kill people. Many people in the NRA say guns don’t kill people - - people kill people. Well that is absolutely true as I never have seen a gun, load and fire itself. But how self serving. No one needs to have something so available to them in a fit of rage, when they are down and out and perhaps suicidal. Guns should be used only in a sporting fashion necessary to hunt within bag limits and to eat whatever is killed to ensure the continuance of wildlife and maintain the population in a sound, sustainable and ecological manner. Clearly, any hunter would agree you don't hunt with hand guns and/or fully automatic assault weapons capable of shooting 5 rounds per second. Even semi automatic guns should be challenged as every hunter understands the animal needs a chance to make it a sport. Bolt action, pump action, over under trigger fire slow the process down and make it an outdoorsmen sport. These are the only guns that are required for sport. Should they fall into criminal or the mentally insane they can do far less harm in the same amount of time giving a hero a chance to take out the shooter. Unfortunately, we cannot fix widespread mental health issues, however, we can make harder to access weapons of mass destruction. OBAMA I applaud your attempt to remove fully automatic, limit ammunition clips and improve the process behind who actually gets the weapons in the first place. Knowing America - - this will not be possible as it thinks that a 237 year old law is not worth changing for the safety of all citizens. God bless America as 919 people is only the start of mass murdering of innocent men, women and now children. Politically speaking at least OBAMA is proving to have some balls to take on the far reaching right wing cowboys who sleep with their right to bare arms. It is no longer 1776, you don’t ride horses to work and school and you don’t get in a gun fight in the saloon. GROW UP NOW!

Urban Cowboy said...

Thanks for the thoughtful comments, Joe.

Rob Greenfield said...

Ya mon Fins! I look at the 2nd ammendment, and the "right to bear arms" is tied to "militia", not every citizen. Also, the "arms" mentioned clearly did not mean handguns and assault weapons; they meant muskets. Let them all have muskets if they want to bear arms - one shot every 30 seconds or so surely allows the innocent time to flee or fight back.