Thursday 3 January 2013

So How's Them Solar Panels Workin' For Ya?

Out on a recent drive through south-eastern Ontario got an opportunity to see the deft hand of our Green Premier, Dalton Mcguilty, at work.

Thousands and thousands of solar panels.

All covered in snow.

For weeks now, according to locals.

Some were small installations.

Some were massive.

 But they were everywhere.  Tucked in all over.

And all paid for by me.  And you.

Even when they are snow covered.

And this was before the latest blizzard just after Christmas.

But you can understand why so many are "taking advantage" of this offer.

With conventional electricity generation costs at about 4 cents/kWh, these solar installations are being paid 40 cents/kWh.  Ten times higher the market rate!  Not 10%.  Ten times. And Ontario has guaranteed this rate for twenty years.

Small installations (residential rooftops) receive 80 cents/kWh.  Twenty times the going rate. For twenty years.

And who is paying for this?  Oh, I mentioned that already....

And one more thing, as you can see from the pictures - it's getting dark out.

Maybe it will get windy and Dalton's wind turbines will take over.

[Ed. note: And we thought Rob Ford had a conflict of interest. Hoo boy....]

1 comment:

Krys and Paul said...

Boy - your tax bill must be a lot heavier than mine!