Thursday 17 January 2013

From The "What Goes Around...." File

Once upon a time there was a lovely five storey condo, with floor to ceiling windows and beautiful views of downtown.

What lucky people to be living there.

Then one day along came a big, bad new condo.

Plunk!  A huge hulker right in front of those beautiful floor to ceiling jobbers.

Ha ha ha, they said.

Eat our grits.  Or kiss them.  Or at least do something unpleasant with them.

And they laughed and laughed.

Because they now had the beautiful views.

I bet the other condo board said, Gee maybe we should have bought that little sliver of land in front of us.

And the new condo also had a beautiful entrance and beautiful lobby.

But what is that by the red arrow?  Shoring for an excavation next door?


Maybe they should have bought the property beside them?

Because the new condo is bigger and badder than they are.

And just to rub it in (with grits, I guessing) their advertising shows their 31 stories just nicely obscuring that suddenly old piece of crap.

Makes me feel a little better about the 37 slab going up outside my window.

What's that?  Oh, they've just delivered my grits.

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

Great rant, nice view. Isn't "progress" great.