Wednesday 30 September 2020

Inevitable Milstone

The world passed one million Covid-19 deaths this week.

Not surprisingly, the US is #1 in total number of deaths. [As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

If we look at it on a per capita basis, the US is still high, but several South American countries, and a few European, are now at the top.

Interesting that outside of the US, South America and Europe hold the top 15 spots.

Canada ranks about the same in both views.

And following up on yesterday's post about imbeciles partying, here is a pic of the Wasaga Beach car rally from the weekend.

Luckily police charged nearly 200 of these motoring enthusiasts - at $750 a pop - and impounded about 20 cars, but they are still looking for the organizer to slap him with a $10,000 fine. 

That's fine with me.


1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

after reading about this blatant disregard for safety, I'm thinking a $750 fine isn't nearly enough of a deterant