Monday 3 March 2008

Good Day For A Knee Day

Heading to Banff to see the knee doctor.

Although a little foggy & cloudy (it wasn't the camera, either) still a pretty spectacular location for a hospital. And a different clientele there, compared to my local needle-drop location clinic in downtown Calgary. Nary a drug-addled derelict to be found.

Although maybe I should reconsider that comment after seeing the extreme skier dudes all on crutches. Because I suspect there might have been a doob or two consumed among this group.

As I was on the gurney, waiting to be seen, I could hear other patients being examined:
Doc: "How did you hurt your knee?".
Skier Dude: "Dude, I was taking air off a killer mogul, and like, whoa, took too much, man."
Doc: "Nooo Waaay!" [Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But just a little.]

And I can't necessarily rule out the doctors from the doob fest, either. My doctor had an earring in one ear. "You're here from Calgary? Whoa, cool." He was having trouble deciding what to tell me, so got help from another doc. He was tanned to perfection with the raccoon eyes. Great life these guys have.

He says, "So what do you want to do? You want surgery?" I go, I don't know. He said, "I'll set you up with a surgery date, then you can decide. Just cancel if you don't want it." Pretty laid back atmosphere.

And, dude, I am not making this up. Sooo, I guess I'll decide later. Maybe I'll have a doob and sleep on it.

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