Sunday 2 March 2008

Unclear On The Concept

We have an election tomorrow here in Alberta. And I'm all for supporting your candidate. But I'm not sure any of these businesses get that concept.

Maybe this is unique to Calgary, but every business on my block shares the same affliction. Can you spot it?

[Hint; the candidates for the two major parties are Hehr and Chu. And pay no attention to the ghostly man silhouetted in the window......]

These guys thought I was here for my regular massage therapy. Forget I said that.

Hey! This guy gets it.

Ohhh....that's candidate Hehr's headquarters. Never mind.

Last guy on the block - now he gets it.

But I couldn't believe that essentially every business had ads for both candidates. Of course, now that I think of it, why tick someone off if you don't have to. That ain't good for business.

"Sure, I'll put your sign up. But on come in for a sandwich/massage/Kung Pao for 6....."

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