Sunday 5 April 2009

Ahhh..So Now It Makes Sense to why the Leafs suck so bad.

Here's a shot of the silver fox, Cliff Fletcher, ordering another as he pounds them back at a local watering hole. And he had one than one.

How does the author make that bold pronouncement?

This was snapped during our infamous one-drink-per-bar pub crawl. And by this time of the night, we were in serious violation of that very rule.

So had lots of soak time at this place to see The Fox lean forward more than once.

[Okay, so he only had a few. But what else explains the sorry state of the Leafs?]


Rob Greenfield said...

Yes, he had a pop or two, bur he was able to manouver himself out of the bar with no problems.

Urban Cowboy said...

You are correct, sir. Into his waiting limo.

Anonymous said...

"he had one than one" (?) Evidently, so did you (but on the day after when you wrote the post....) (grin)
