Friday 10 December 2010

How Much Underwear Do Women Need?!

Look at the size of this underwear store!

Do you think Jockey has anything like this for men?

And I got news for you. I went in for a quick look and none of that stuff is going to keep you warm in the winter.

But the security guard told me, as he was escorting me out, it doesn't seem to matter.

Here is Toronto's Swarovski Christmas Tree.

And it's actually inside at the Eaton Centre. And it's snowing.

[You can see (part of) the ladie's gaunchy store on the right.]

Okay, this is cheating, but here is a picture - from somebody's blog with a real camera - to show what it really looks like.


bloggity blog blog... said...

What a beautiful Christmas tree!!!

Krys and Paul said...

I like your photo