Another long (ie. slow) day due to - correct - more bike trouble!
The boys at The Bike Shop did a great job, but I guess after 2,000+ clicks, everybody - and everything - starts to break down at bit.

Now they just do stuff up so right in tha south.
I declare, that's got to be the finest bike shop I've ever seen....

So made it to Vicksburg. Surrounded again by memorabilia of the US Civil War.

This - I think, from unconfirmed reports from the front lines - is a statue of Union Army General James McPherson.

And this is the house he took over after after the fall of Vicksburg to the Union forces.
Not to be confused with The Relax Inn Mike and Tod took over after another long day.

But I suspect what all three had in common was an undying love of Southern Pecan Beer.
Well, at least two of out three.......

Here an obvious relative of Johnny Appleseed, catching some shade.

"What in tarnation is this thing?"
Uncle Jed inspecting the business end of Old Bessy.
Hope the safety is on....

They don't like them northern, Union boys down here.

This plaque celebrates/documents the "negotiated surrender" of Vicksburg to General McPherson of the Union Army.

He was killed not long after this, in Atlanta.
The highest ranking Union officer to die in battle.
He was 34.

And Mike and Tod were almost the sorriest Canadians to be killed, or at least scared by, a rattler.
This fellow wasn't dead, but close to it. From having been runned over.
Good thing the Relax Inn had room.

So the last few days have been long and hard and the boys are lagging a bit.
Any inspiration would be appreciated.
Here let me start it off....

Cheers, boys!
1 comment:
What a trip! And thanks, I see my mental idea of where Vicksburg was located was so wrong! Watch out for the snakes! Yikes!
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