Friday 6 November 2020

Finally! The US Election Decided!

Just kidding.  Of course it's not.

It's still a mess.

But is it getting closer? 

Here's a closer look.  [As always, click to zoom in.]

Major points;

  • Biden still leading in Nevada, but they are still counting votes.  Still?   What, is there like three guys counting?
  • Trump still leading in Pennsylvania, but his lead has shrunk (is shrinking) dramatically, as more mail in ballots are counted.  And the Biden team feels the remaining ballots are in Democratic strongholds. Plus they just printed off and delivered a whole bunch more.
  • Georgia is the biggest shock. On election eve, Trump had a comfortable lead.  Now - they are now virtually tied, as more mail in ballots are counted.  In fact, Biden has a slight lead. I guess Democrats like the mail-in.
So...tune in tomorrow.

But before that, here is a US map showing two equal population groups.

The orange areas have the same population as the red.  If the orange was blue, could be mistaken for a Democratic/Republican voting map.

Shows how divided the US is.

[Post Script 9am;  Joe Biden has now taken the lead in Pennsylvania.]

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