Thursday 19 November 2020

The Same, But Different

As Toronto is in Covid-19 lockdown, no indoor dining is allowed at restaurants.  

So whereas in Toronto bar owners are pulling all their patio heaters out of storage to protect patrons from the elements...

...some even resorting to tents.....

...bars in south Florida have the same, but different problem.

To keep patrons comfortable outdoors, they need to blast freezing air at them...

...using honking big industrial scale air conditioners.

Those bad boys can blast out the chill, baby.

So two countries, one problem, two totally different solutions.

And speaking of two countries, on a same, but different topic. [Click to enlarge.]

I would not have guessed a many of them.  

Not one European country.


Hanna said...

I found one European country :) Germany in - uhm is that Texas?!

Urban Cowboy said...

Wow, very good eyes. This is what happens when the formerly-crack Arnotti Thoughts team is rushing to make deadline!

New Mexico. Why Germans would go to New Mexico and not some place like Pennsylvania, I don't know.

Hanna said...

Ah that's what it was - Texas seemed a bit out there for a lot of Germans! Need to google now why in the world Germans went to New Mexico either... very interesting reporting yet again from Arnotti Thoughts team!