Saturday 21 November 2020

State Your Cases(s)

Holy cow isn't nearly strong enough to describe what is going on south of the 49th parallel.

Here is the four-day Covid-19 case rate for the US. [As always, click on graph to zoom in.]

So Wyoming has a four-day Covid rate of 7,000 cases per million population.

What that means in terms the Arnotti Thoughts team can understand is that nearly 1% of Wyoming's population was infected in the last four days.

Same thing for North Dakota.

Iowa, Montana and Wisconsin have had half a percent of their population infected over those four days.

So much for the Covid thrives in density theory.

In Canada, it seems we are also out of control. Specifically Ontario and Toronto.

So no fooling around here.

As opposed to a major part of the US, Toronto has been completely locked down.  All restaurants and bars, and gyms & movie theatres have been shut.  Even patios have been shuttered. 

So how bad is Ontario & Toronto?

Well, look down on that chart.  Way down.  Way down there in red.

Ontario is about 350. Toronto (not shown) is around 450.

So who's zooming who?

Is Ontario overreacting or is a US stubbornly defiant?

 Probably a bit of both.

So do you cower inside or go on with your life....

...or carry on and take reasonable precautions?

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