Saturday 5 December 2020

New Hoarders?

As the world's eyes turn to potential coronavirus vaccines, other eyes turn to who will get them.

Some countries may be left waiting at the end of the line.

While others may have more doses than they possibly could ever use.

And one country seems to have gone even further than that.


Canada has enough confirmed orders to give nearly ten does to each citizen!

That's almost double the next highest greedy country. And three times as many as the US.

But way to go, Canada!  It's time to start punching above your weight. 

None of this typical Canadian, aw shucks, we'll wait, you go first crap.

No sir. We muscled our way right to the front of the line.  

Elbowing little Peruvian grandmas and Bangladeshi doctors out of the way.  Eat my poutine, baby!

But how un-Canadian!  

But maybe - when it comes to the importance of vaccinations - our government knows more than we do.....

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