Monday 7 December 2020

The Pause That Refreshes

2020 has been a terrible year for everybody.

So when you've been punched in the gut one too many times.  Or had that virus kick sand in your face again, you realize need serious help.

Well, you better introduce yourself to a Bulldog Margarita.

How did Jimmy Buffett never write a song about this?

But it will certainly cure what ails you.  Although it obviously ain't for the faint of heart.

Now you say, that all looks good and stuff, but UC, what's to keep those frosty Corona's from emptying into that glorious glob of goodness?

Well they have ingeniously included two stay fresh devices at the top - or bottom - of the beers.

No fuss, no muss.

However, the faint-of-heart part also applies to the price.  This bulldog ain't on Happy Hour....

But regardless of that, this is all the anti-virus medicine you'll ever need....


Rob Greenfield said...

love it, gonna have to test one out at the Knee Deep Bar, later in 2021.
What do you think Doc Bain?

northerndreamer said...

I think we need to test out more than one...many more...if it is to be considered a real test.

Rob Greenfield said...

that's why you're the Doc