Tuesday 1 December 2020

Who's Zooming Who?

So according to the Toronto media, Toronto is at the centre of all things Covid.  And according to the Toronto health officials, bars, restaurants and gyms are at the centre of all that.

So you might think that is where all the Covid cases are coming from in Toronto. 

Well, let's continue with our drill down activity (and by now this will be almost as painful as a dentist drill down. Except usually the dentist is over in about 20 minutes) to see where the Covid cases may be happening.

Here is a map of Toronto, the legend being the darker the blue to higher the Covid case rate.

As shown before, the highest cases are in the Northwest and Northeast.  With the centre of the city having low cases rates.

But how high is high and how low is low?  And is the dark blue where all the bars and restaurants are?

This chart shows the incredible differences between the highest and the lowest rates in Toronto. [As always, click on any graph to zoom in.]

This chart drills down into the top eight hot-spots in Toronto.  And the top spots are incredibly high, as high at the highest countries in the world for November, Czechia & Poland.

Here are the lowest eight spots added in.

Not surprisingly, essentially all downtown.

Hmmm...which is where most of the bars and restaurants are.

Could it be something else that is driving the high rates in Toronto?

Well, here is one theory, that is playing out in the only place higher than Toronto for Covid in Ontario, Brampton, in Peel region.

Of course, Brampton has a very high south Asian population and the top eight spots in Toronto are also large, new immigrant areas.

This program theorizes that lack of English comprehension is driving the high cases rates.

But I guess the real problem is they live in multi-generational homes, don't have work-from-home jobs and have small homes/apartments.

So the point of all this is - it ain't the bars and restaurants!

So what was the City of Toronto's response?

Of course!  Much easier to do that than work on solving the real problem.

Okay, the novocaine from the drill down is starting to wear off  [Ed. note: long ago], resume your normal activities.....

1 comment:

Hanna said...

I've been wondering about this for weeks!! As probably most of the city folk that can't leave their fairly small living corridors day after day... great update, thank you! And of course in the hood with our smart neighbours we knew it's not the Peters' or the pubs that's the problem... but unfortunately thinking about that that requires more novocaine!