Thursday, 19 November 2009

Mike & Tod - Day 17 - Feets (or Wheels) Don't Fail Me Now

But they did.

Well, if it ain't the wind, it's the wheels.

Major bike breakdown today. And back to Mike this time.

But they found some good fellows who knew what to do. The good fellows known as the "Two Wheeler Dealer".

And they also found a good Samaritan who got them to those wheeler dealers - John.

John took them 30 km's down US Route 17. "Thanks a million, John."

At this rate, we might have a large US contingent invited to Home Alone this summer.

So back on the coast, ready to make the push into South Carolina.

Or not. We'll see what befalls Tod's bike tomorrow....

But Myrtle Beach is not far away.

Hang in there, guys.

1 comment:

Rob Greenfield said...

What the heckhappened, Mke? Maybe you need a newer velo; there's too many kliks on your current one.