Saturday 6 March 2010

Not Something You See Every Day

I was sitting in my apartment when I started to hear loud music coming from somewhere. I looked out the window and saw people, taking pictures of me in my bedroom.

Right on, I thought. You know where Action Central is.

But then I noticed they were aiming a little lower (get your minds out of the gutter).

So I went outside and looked over my balcony.

These kids were dancing and grooving to Micheal Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel."

I yelled out, You darn kids go home.

But first took some pictures.

I know it looks like they are just standing there.

But they were cookin'!

To get a better feel for the action, scroll up and down over these three photos quickly over and over again.

Okay, so it's not Avitar. But not bad.

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